New York City's

first annual co-ed

Wiffleball tournament

The tournament is cancelled since we didn't receive enough sign ups. We will try again in the spring!

Welcome to the first Annual NYC Co-Ed Wiffleball Tournament! We are excited to gauge interest in launching a new Wiffleball league starting in Spring 2025. Join us for this half-day tournament to showcase your Wiffleball skills and have some fun! Depending on the level of interest, we aim to start an affordable nine-week co-ed social league this coming spring.

The tournament will take place on November 10, 2024. Registration will begin at 9:30 AM, followed by the tournament start time at 10:00 AM. The tournament should last around three hours.

Please fill out the sign-up form below. You will be required to e-sign a waiver before the game starts. For details regarding the tournament rules, please refer to the guidelines outlined below.


For A






If 7 teams participate, 1st place gets $100. If 12 teams participate 1st place gets $300, 2nd place gets $200, and 3rd place gets $100!




Tournament Overview

  • The tournament is a half-day, round-robin style event guaranteeing each team at least two games. The top teams will advance to a single-elimination playoff.
  • Queensbridge Park in Astoria. The half-circle turf soccer field will be divided into three Wiffleball fields.
  • A total of 12 teams, divided into four groups of three.

Team Composition and Gameplay

  • Each team can have 6 to 10 players, with a minimum of two women. Six players are allowed on the field at a time, with at least one woman always on the field.
  • All players must bat in a consecutive order, without any changes.
  • Standard yellow Wiffleball bats are used for men. Standard Wiffleball (Not Scuffed or Cut). The black Easton bat is used for women. No outside equipment is permitted. No gloves or cleats are allowed.

Game Rules

  • Games will last either 35 minutes or 4 innings, whichever comes first.
  • Pitch speed is slow to medium, with a maximum of less than 30 miles per hour; no fast pitches are allowed.
  • There is an 8-run maximum per half-inning.A home run is defined as a ball crossing the home run line (it cannot land on the line) or hitting a foul cone before touching the ground. A fielder can catch a fly ball beyond the home run line but must be in bounds when the ball is hit.

Field and Gameplay Details

  • Base paths are 45 feet long. Force outs are made at the pitcher's mound, and teams will run the bases.
  • Three strikes or three foul balls on the third strike count as an out. Bunting or "chopping" results in an out.

Prize Structure and Fees

  • Prize money is awarded if at least seven teams participate.
  • If seven teams participate, first place gets $100. If ten teams participate first place gets $250, and second place gets $150. If twelve teams participate first place gets $300, and second place gets $200, and third place gets $100.
  • Tournament fees are $100 per team, to cover equipment, permits, and prizes.



The NYC Wiffleball League is dedicated to creating a fun and safe environment for all participants, expecting good sportsmanship and respect among players, captains, and fans. Inappropriate language and behavior, including fighting, will not be tolerated, and disputes should be handled respectfully. The captain is responsible for the conduct of their players. Any behavior deemed detrimental to the league's spirit may result in immediate removal from the tournament without refund or future invitation.

Please note, you will be sent a liability waiver after signing up. Looking forward to seeing you at the tournament!

Tournament fees are $100 per team, to cover equipment, permits, and prizes.

We ask for this information to help ensure balanced teams in our co-ed tournament
This will be used for grouping your team members together. Please write "Free Agent", if you would like to be placed on a open team
Thank you for signing up for the NYC Wiffleball Co-ed Tournament!

You will receive an email shortly to e-sign the waiver.
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